Posts By: Rob Knapp

Revolutionize the Client Experience

The Supernova vision is to “Revolutionize the Client Experience” — not  just in the financial services industry, but in all professional service industries. Considering the state of service in the world today, this is a huge task.  Since my primary knowledge is financial services, our focus begins there for now. What is the state of… Read more »

What If Clients Push Back On Meeting Once A Month?

The 12-4-2 model of monthly client meetings with quarterly reviews and of those four reviews two in-person, is part of the Supernova Standard. Advisors are sometimes concerned that their clients won’t want to meet once a month. A client might push back because he/she thinks this is going to be a sales call. Or they… Read more »

Corporate Athlete: How Much Sleep Do I Need?

Find out how many hours of sleep you and your loved ones really need!  Refresh yourself on the basics behind sleep! It’s not just the number of hours in bed that is important—it’s the quality of those hours of sleep. If you’re giving yourself plenty of time for sleep, but you’re still having trouble waking… Read more »

Quick but Healthy Snacks

We all know a healthy diet, exercise and regular sleep results in more stamina and sustained energy throughout the day. This is especially important for the corporate athlete. Little things like healthy snacks can make a tremendous difference in balancing your energy level. According to Jim Loehr, “Time can’t be expanded but energy can. If… Read more »