
Organization And Service: Folder System

The "folder system" sets out to create a workbook advisors and clients can use to track their progress, ask questions and update information.

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Folders Document Client History for Compliance

The Supernova Folder system is designed to make it easier for the client and the advisor to see their progress and document all their conversations. We have folder content templates for clients, prospects taking a 90 day free look, butlers, centers of influenc

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Supernova Folders Create Value for Your Clients

Every Supernova FA or team has a powerful tool to demonstrate value to clients, prospects and centers of influence.  It is the surprisingly simple Supernova folder system. No…not the folder system from the dawn of manila folders; the bulging and beat-up

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Folders - Last Word

Physical and digital folders can be worked into the Supernova program. However advisors who have tried it both ways report back to us the physical folders are the most useful. When you have 5 folders on your desk every morning for your 5 meetings you know you

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